Ilmoittaudu myClubiin 23.8.2015 mennessä.
Seura maksaa kilpailumaksut ja vähentää kilpailupalkkioista / laskuttaa…
DATE September 5, 2015
LOCATION Kristianstad Arena, Västra Storgatan 69, 291 54 Kristianstad
FRIDAY 18.00-20.00 Registration and weigh in (at the venue). Swedish competitors (+14 yrs) must have license and ID card
Children 7-13 yrs
08.00-10.00 Registration children (at the venue)
09.30 Coach meeting
09.45 Ceremony and line up
10.15 Competition starts
Adults +14 yrs
11.00-13.30 Registration and weigh in. Swedish competitors must have license and ID card
14.00 Competition starts
RULES WKF rules (see
Kata children – The same kata can be used at each new round
Kata adults – Cannot do the same kata twice
Kata girls/boys 7,8,9,10,11,12,13 yrs
Kumite girls/boys 7,8.9,10,11,12,13 yrs
Cadets 14-15 yrs Kata female and male (may only compete in the cadet category)
Juniors 16-17 yrs Kata female and male (may compete in U21 and seniors category)
U-21 18-20 yrs Kata female and male (may compete in the seniors category)
Seniors +18 yrs Kata female and male
Cadets 14-15 yrs Kumite female -54 kg, +54 kg
Juniors 16-17 yrs Kumite female -53 kg, -59 kg, +59 kg
U-21 18-20 yrs Kumite female -60 kg, +60 kg
Seniors +18 yrs Kumite female -61 kg, -68 kg, +68 kg
Cadets 14-15 yrs Kumite male -63 kg, -70 kg, +70 kg
Juniors 16-17 yrs Kumite male -61 kg, -76 kg, +76 kg
U-21 18-20 yrs Kumite male -68 kg, -78 kg, +78 kg
Seniors +18 yrs Kumite male -67 kg, -75 kg, -84 kg, +84 kg
REGISTRATION Must be done before August 31, 2015
You need to register online on the tab Registration
START LISTS Note that the start lists will not be handed out at the competition, but you must download them on the tab Start lists and print them out before the competition
PAYMENT Children (7-13 yrs) 250 SEK/DKK per category
Adults (+14 yrs) 300 SEK/DKK per category
Deadline for payment is August 31, 2015
FOREIGN PAYMENT IBAN: SE95 8000 0831 3952 4076 9694
LICENSE Licenses (for all Swedish competitors +14 yrs) can be bought at the Swedish Karate Federation Office in Stockholm (foreign competitors don’t need a license to compete in Sweden)
Miscellaneous The organizer has the right to deny participation if registration/payment is late
If changes are required during the competition day (5 September), caused by incorrect, missing or new registration data, a fee of 200 SEK will be charged for each change
The organizer reserves the right to change categories with few competitors
All competitors must have a valid personal insurance licence
Coaches should wear sport dress with club emblem (max 4 coaches/club)
All participating children will receive a memorial price and candy
The best children/adult club will be selected and receive 5000 SEK each to use at the next years (2016) registration