10.11.2012 – 08:3014:30
Eriksdalshallen, Ringvägen 70, Tukholma, Ruotsi

COMPETITION VENUE: Eriksdalshallen, Ringvägen 70
Saturday, November 10th, 2012
Competition starts at 10 am.
Kata: boys and girls 7-13 years old
Kumite: boys and girls 10-13 years old
Boys kata A: B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, B13,
Boys kata B: B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, B13
Girls kata A: G7, G8, G9, G10, G11, G12, G13
Girls kata B: G7, G8, G9, G10, G11, G12, G13,
(Category A = more than 2 years of training)
(Category B = less than 2 years of training)
Boys kumite: B10, B11, B12, B13,
Girls kumite: G10, G11, G12, G13,

Send to: Lidingö Karate Dojo, c/o Olsson Farkostvägen 4, 6tr 181 35 Lidingö, Stockholm
Tel/fax 08-643 83 11, e-mail: lidingo@inoue.se
PLEASE NOTE: To organizer no later than Sunday November 4th 2012.

Ilmoittaudu myClubiin 31.10.2012 mennessä niin ilmoitamme osallistujat eteenpäin.
Kilpailu on omakustanne matka.


Liite: 2012-karate kid cup – Swedish Junior Trophy.pdf

Liite: 2012-karate kid cup – Swedish Junior Trophy entry.pdf

Pysyvä linkki tähän artikkeliin: https://www.lahdenkarate.fi/2012/09/10/karate-kid-cup-2012/

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